woah this takes me back
I haven't thought about the message boards in so long... i used to spend hours writing fanfic or joining other people's RPs I think I was a part of a percy jackson one that lasted for a really really long time which is why i'm so sad that the message boards are gone!
my username was mermaidrain1 i think i joined when i was 10 and now I'm in college?? time sure is weird but it's nice to see that I'm not the only person who remembers the forum :)
who's alive (besides sapph, I'm talkin to you as I type this lmao)
the time we spent on the MB feels like a fever dream and tbh I don't remember half of you, but I hope you're all alive and well and taking care of yourselves!!
so.... hi?
This feels so surreal.
I was about to go to sleep and I randomly remembered that 39 Clues existed. Randomly went through a crisis trying to remember the names of the characters, and finally figured out that Dan's name was Dan, not Tom. Anyway, then I remembered about the messageboard, and that entire experience. That's honestly so crazy. That place was such a solace when I was struggling through middle school. I remembered about this site, went through my post history and wanted to die, and now I'm here! Sapphirehorse149 feels like a lifetime ago.
Anyway, it's Sapphire, I guess?? It's sad that the forum got shut down, had no idea. I'm currently in high school, and life is going well! Defnitely a lot better compared with my state when I was …
feeling like captain america after getting thawed...
omg - guys!!
it’s actressblack22 aka madz aka kenzie aka vesper five aka... why didn’t i stick to one name way back when? that’s obnoxious.
i don’t think i’ve thought of you all and the mb in... four years? five years? i’m so so sad that the mb was deleted, i would loooooove to be able to go back and look at all that stuff.
anyway!! is anyone else around here still? i’m not a huge wiki person (lol duh) but!! i’d love to catch up and reminisce!
Wow, feeling really nostalgic...
Hey guys, it's eKat!
I had completely forgotten about this site until today and all the time I spent on it so many years ago! I guess the MB is down? Anyways, I just wanted to post in case anyone checks this again in the coming months to say hey that I might have known. :) It's so weird that now we're all oldddd and getting ready for the real world. I am actually in my second year of college which is so crazy, and I am really loving it so far.
Anyways, I'd love to hear about all that you guys are getting up to these days. Hope everything is going well!
Gwen is here!
Hi everyone, it's Gwen/Tariuial/EmeraldMoonlight32. Are any of you guys still here?? I miss the MB and my old friends so much, I've been trying to find them.
Calling all Cahills
I really thought our fandom would last.
I remember when I stopped reading, all of my friends were shocked. Everyone contimued to update me on the storyline, and I thought the fandom was still thriving when the series came to an end. I wanted to see my old messages, but the website has compeltely changed. They took out the MB, and everythiing that made it great..
If by chance anyone sees this, I started doing cosplays on TikTok (thethomastoryn). I found a girl who's done Amy cosplays and I've joined her as Ted. However, it's just us. So, if anyone still loves this series and always wanted to see the characters come to life: feel free to join us on TikTok as any of the characters. As long as it's in your heart, you don't need to fit the charac…
Sadly found out that the MB was deleted...
Or, maybe my computer is being stupid. It likes to block a lot of stuff randomly. Anyways, hi, I'm Sassy, and I was one of the OG members of the MB, although you probably wouldn't know it. I wasn't very popular, but I had my friends, I participated in many RPs, even creating a few (albeit, unsuccessful) myself. I had two accounts, and I think the usernames were JoyfulSinging3 and LightningDragon270. The first was Janus, the second was Ekat. I don't know why I created the second one (I think I wanted to trick people into thinking I was a different person? I think I remember that), but it helped when I was eventually locked out of my first account.
I started using the MB at a very young age, maybe 9 years old. I'm not completely sure. I was v…
What happened to the MB?
Hey, I don't know if anyone remembers me or not, but I'm Alabaster.
Yeah.... he's still in my head. Anyway I know it's been a little while since I last got on the MB, but recently I wanted to look back at some old posts for nostalgia yet I can't find the message board anymore. What the heck happened to it?
Hi, I was on the T39CMB for a good number of years before it shut down. Just found this....anyone still here?
Who's alive?
Oh, man. I don't even remember how this wiki works anymore (and I used to know all the ins and outs...)
It's been, what, two years? Three?
Anyway, a quick update for whoever's here that still checks this place: it's me, Sapph. I graduated recently, and I'm headed to British Columbia for uni in September. I also deleted snapchat (so if you're in that SC group, that's why I've been silent).
I don't have any plans (or any money) to travel in the near future, but I will be in New York for about two days at the end of the month -- so if you by chance happen to be there, hit me up! I'm all for meeting up, but I'm also pretty broke and I have to pay tuition. Any West Coast pals, feel free to travel up to B.C. to find me (I really want to meet you g…
So, uh, I got banned from the MB?
Those of you on the Discord chat know this but apparently my account (and all my other accounts) are permanently banned.
SpyUnicorn is banned for 'spamming' - questionable because I hadn't posted on the MB for a month before I found I was banned.
The others just show up as banned for no reason, and I tried one of our old joint accounts - still banned (for inappropriate behavior but ya kno it was DY).
So just a heads up, yeah? If anyone who is still active on the MB can post like, a PSA on this (not sure if anyone still there really cares but?), please send me a message!
Also, in general, if anyone wants to catch up or anything, y'all can hit up that Discord chat, email/IG/FB/Twitter/etc/etc me, or just post on my profile! It's been years - can…
No, but seriously?
We definitely should get together.
I am moving to St. John within the next thirteen months, and then off to California for college, but maybe over the summer we could all figure something out.
Just a thought ;)
On another note: why is my profile bio refusing to be edited? That thing is a disgrace to humanity in general and makes me cringe ;-;
Remember that plan we had once upon a lonnnng time ago?
Once upon a time, centuries of MB years ago, we once had a plan to meet up one day in real life.
What would you think if we actually tried that?
Uhhh... I haven't been here or the MB in a while so I thought I'd check in and I spent some time reading over my posts in both places and... YIKES the cringe is real.
How's everyone doing?
This pre-college teen needs advice, and maybe a cup of coffee too
My time management is crap. Seriously. I have had a reputation with my teachers last year because I kept passing my projects late. Not all. But a lot. A BIG lot.
Plus procrastination is object for time allotment. One needs to read books and watch Game of Thrones once in a while.
P.S. I'm not really a coffee person. I wasn't until we had this monster called research paper.
P.P.S. This is a cry for online friends disguised as a cry for advice. But I actually DO need advice. XD
Honestly logged on here because I'm baked as shit and it's literally 4:05 rn but what's up my negroes, if any of y'all want to talk to me slide in my dms on insta or follow my snap or some ish so hmu
Hey...its been a while
hey idk if anyone remembers me. I'm Maleia...I used to come on here often. I was feeling a little nostalgic and I had a lot of good friends on here. Though I'd check back in and say hi :)
hello, again (sort of)
I used to go on here by a different name, but I'm too embarassed to say which. I must apologize. So.
I go by Masayuu and I'm a 16-year old girl. I also have a headache and gotta work on my shitty Wattpad stories, so I'll go now. Nice to meet you again.
What's been up with you guys?
*falls through the ceiling* oh Hey guys
- ===Started streamin on Twitch daily. Check it out here===
- ===Graduated High school last year, holding off college for a bit. ===
- ===Came out as trans (if you're still on the MB, you'd know that. Name is now Vincent :) )===
Wikia chat reunion...?
This place used to be sooooo active :/ I miss when there used to be like six people on the chat at once. James, Jason, Kathy, Ashley, Clair, Oz, Lyss... Now I'm lucky if I can manage to catch Hazel or Chu or Nyla on the chat.
Is there a common time we can all come on the chat, possibly during the summer holidays sometime? It would be nice to meet up with everyone again.
*coughs slightly from the corner* Welllllp.... I'm back... Kinda?... Do I really even know though?... Not really.... But hi, y'all!
- crashing*
- screaming*
- windows shattering*
- picks self up from floor, brushing broken glass and dirt off of myself*
Well, hi!
- smiles*
I'm back...
- smile turns mysterious*
Am I back though?
I haven't decided yet.
I guess we'll wait see, eh?
It depends.
On what, you ask?
Well, you see...
My mood.
My parents.
My life.
The universe.
The alignment of the stars.
The planets themselves.
Everything, I answer.
As for now...
I shall consider myself back.
For the moment.
I won't be on regularly.
But that is not the reason I am "here".
I need to ask a favor.
I have joined a world of writing, deadlines, staying-up-late-because-I-have-to, coffee, and stress.
Journalism class.
My overlord demands views for this next article.
What's my next article, you ask?
Possibly th…
Hey guys!
So, I was listening to a playlist today, and a son by Tenth Avenue North came on, and then that reminded me of strangers Here, and then that reminded me of all you guys. So I'm here! How are you guys? What's happening with y'all?
I'm literally probably gonna make this one post, check your replys and then come on this website again in about two years as I always do because I'm useless, so if you want to communicate with me/stalk me in the meantime, you can find me on Young Writer's Society, where I go by Kazey, or on Instagram, where I'm luke_kazey
Hope you're all okay!
hi hello how are you good? good. I'm good too. lez get started.
Sooooo I know it's been pretty dead around here but if any of y'alls are doing camp nano this April, throw your username down below and I'll add you to my cabin and we can be CABINMATESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Also if y'alls just want to talk, you can comment too. Comment anything. Spam me with memes. Please tell me this place isn't as dead as it looks :D
Anyone? Hello? Friends?
Yikes okay so I come online here all the time but it never ocurrs to me that I should check the blog posts.
Anyway? How are you? Good? Me neither!
I miss you guys, I really do.
Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by the amount of times we've all chatted with each other this past year (which is zero, btw).
Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate (or don't), by the way :D
Anyways, I figured we could all try to get together at some point on the 31st, just to catch up with each other and hang out and stuff before school's back in session and whatever.
So yeah, it'd be really nice if y'all could try to spread the word about this and try to make it then.. Usually, people are on around 8pm EST, but anytime before that should be fine, too :)
Anyways, Rogue One just ripped out my feels. I have yet to watch Fantastic Beats but I think it will also rip out my feels. Bye I'll go back to …
This place has become a barren wasteland. Basically. I know Chewy's still here, Klary occasionally, Zeke... Any other stragglers?
Hello? It's me?
Haven't been here for a few months. The nostalgia is killing me.
Wish we could turn back time... To the good old days...
But not really. Life now is kind of mindblowingly amazing. Just ordered Tyler Joseph's floral kimono from Amazon, yelled a lot about the stupidly expensive limited edition Black Parade jacket, skyped Ash, had virtually no homework for the long weekend. I can actually see trees from my window. Oh right, I'm in Canada.
The future is bulletproof!
Funny how I'm only making blog posts once everyone is gone.
Everything I do is bittersweet.
You know what's also funny but not also really extreme…
The Cycle
Due to the fact that I have neither the time, nor the interest, nor the determination to remain active here or in the Message Board, I see no more problem in revealing the info I omitted since I joined this... community, let's call it.
My age: I was born in 2002.
My face: I might post it later when I'm not lazy.
.... A consensus must be reached.
1. Does this mean that the Wiki won't be used?
No. The Wiki will still serve as our main base of communications, but an alternate chat on a third-party website should help make talking to each other easier. It might also help solve our recurring problem of never finding time to deliberately wander onto the Wiki.
2. But I'm not in the Google Plus/Skype chat!
We've only recently created Google Plus and Skype chats. Why two? Well, it's just to allow users to get a feel of using both social media platforms before deciding which they want to use. If you aren't on a chat, tell one of the active Admins (Red, Sapph, Kathy, or me) your username and we'll add you into the group.
3. Why wasn't I told about this?
dear internet friends and meme hoarders
I am leaving for Australia for a school camp trip thing that does not allow electronic devies. In other words, I am leaving the internet for a month. 17 July to 14 August. Rest in peace, my lovely internet life. Don't throw any parties while I'm gone, peeps. At least, not any fun ones where everyone shows up and it becomes one of those "YOU REMEMBER THAT TIME" ones.
I'll end on a G note.
Happy (late) Canada Day to my fellow meese o o
According to Megwhale, her Canadian friends are meese, so...
- throws maple syrup and poutine and hockey merch everywhere*
Hey, Hola, Aloha, Bonjour, Hej, Konnichiwa, Annyeong, AY YO WADDUP BITCH
I am only fluent in that last language.
Anyway, hello! None of you most likely remember me, but my name's Sandra, AKA Seira, Kanon, Shigeko, and I think maybe one or two other names (really can't remember). I was never really on here much, but I've been catching up with a lot of old friends lately (and I mean A LOT of old friends) and I guess I wanted to keep up the trend. :) So, hello! How are you all?
Has anyone gone to see Cursed Child?
I haven't unfortunately and instead. I ended up reading spoilers.
WTF? is my reaction, I was literally laughing at how bad certain plot points are.
It's bad fanfiction made official.
In other news,I will go crazy if I have any more tests.I have had 13 so far in this lovely month of June.
A Second Call Into the Void
Anyone out there?
If not...well, I'll just talk to the walls.
Hi. I'm Montego. It's been a while.
Four Walls
Okay, so I wrote a text about a guy writing a text about a guy writing a text, and I think I need help now
No one shall leave without cookies
First things first-- *cookies rain down from the sky*
I hope you're all doing great because you deserve it and if not, here's a gaggle Mikeyway approved unicorn *points to a herd of unicorns* (GAGGLE? HERD? LITTER?)
So. We haven't been all that active, have we? I have no idea what's happening to you all, and you have no idea what's happening to me. Therefore, this is an update on me. A progress report.
1) I'm queer af and have known that since last year but here's the proverbial official rainbow banner announcing that. Maybe I'm bisexual or maybe I'm pansexual (dammit autocorrect that's a real word) or maybe labels are stupid.
2) Ashley aka ashleyisdone is my girlfriend so HA. That has been a fact since last year too but here's another officia…
Inactive, not any more!!!
Vince let me use our old account for me. :D Glad too see you crazy bunch again :D
- Talia
Hey Guys!!!!
Yo! You guys won't recognize the name, but its your friend Ellie. I came out as trans a few months ago and just now having the courage to tell you guys. :D Love Y'all!
Anyone doing Camp NaNo?
I think now that I know what it's like, I'm gonna try it again. My actual NaNo was pretty much just improv, writing whatever I could xD So now that I've got a month to plan, I should probably be able to make an outline of some sort and write it.
There's also this thing called cabins, so we could make one together, maybe O_o
So if you guys don't know, I write on Wattpad (write being a loose term because I've deleted 95% of my stories and rarely put up anything lol) and recently, as in, today, published this one:
It's called Ascendancy and it's in the scifi/action genre. Read it!! I only have the epigraph up, but chapter one is going up really soon. Idk I'm so excited for this lmao please read it and love me
OR if you don't want to read it, at least just go and press the vote button for the (very short) chapters. It only takes a second THANKSSSSS
As you may or may not know, today marks the start of three days of festivities for the Chinese world in Chinese New Year :) Traditionally, this is where us younglings go to our elders to 拜年 (bai leen), and whole families gather together in their homes for communal meals and so forth.
CNY also gives us an excuse to eat chocolate straight after you've woken up (I just had a Picnic bar lol). You also literally feel like you're financially secure at the prospect of receiving 利市 (lai see) - which are red paper envelopes usually filled with $20 notes in Hong Kong - from everyone :P Alongside this, grandoise firework shows and parades often take place, whether they're around the city (as is the case in Hong Kong) or in your local Chinatowns (if yo…
Janus Council of 5
To the Janus,
We need to acquire more clues while everyone is focused on the outcast. Hack into Lucian files and I will see what I can do with the Ekat s eating out of my hands.
Your Janus Leader,
John Cahill
So once again, Scholastic decides to change the color.
Wow. They didn't do that bad.... my eyes aren't dying like they did the first time they changed it.